November 1, 2011

What the Fupa?


Most commonly found on people who do everything in big portions, who have a hunger for life and who tips the scale... Ok, let’s stop trying to be polite and let’s get real. These people are fat.  They have fatty tissue engulfing their pants with buttons struggling to stay tacked on by the grace of an exhausted thread.  Fupa varies in size but its distinguishable characteristic is the look of a pouch; the fleshy fanny pack.  Although this pouch is not detachable nor does it hold compact valuable goods, it can smuggle a Subway footlong by tucking into the crevice of fupa and thigh.

“Honey, have you seen my keys?”
“Have you checked your fupa?”

Fupa has the ability to absorb shock, retain heat and terrify humans. It sits in the pubic region like a buoyant floatation device that grows larger with every setting sun. Victims of fupa are unaware of the eyesore they possess; therefore they continue to wear spandex like material which accents the fupa into a raging moose knuckle. What’s a moose knuckle you ask? It’s camel toe’s fatter, uglier sister.  Once you’re at that point there’s no turning back, just a downward spiral towards chafe and despair.  God speed to you, young chap or shall I say hung flap?  

A more graphic image of FUPA.  Viewer discretion is advised.

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