I tend not to gossip; I keep my personal opinions to myself. Gossip only hurts others and weakens thyself (I made that proverb up, hopefully it catches on.) But who am I kidding? I am the shit talking queen! I judge people from their head to their toe like a blue ribbon show pony. I may not verbally express my opinion just for the sake of the victim..but oh boy! My mind explodes of demented thoughts, accusations and inferences. You won’t even know it but I have already categorized you into a tri-level train wreck based on your splitting hair ends and Ed Hardy track suit. Oh, and that Situation look-a-like boyfriend of yours obviously means you must be suffering from a herpes outbreak too.
It is no surprise that girls are vicious, or for lack of a better word: bitches. Squinting, judging eyes immediately scan other women who appear as threats. A jealous woman surveys every ounce of her competition through the corner of her Gucci shades all while justifying that her boobs are perkier than her rival. She is envious of her Hermes handbag therefore she concludes that a 63 year old/Viagra abusing/sugar daddy bought it for her. This statement alone gave the jealous predator a boost of confidence knowing that her prey is shagging a pair of old balls. She then continues to observe for more faults the unsuspecting victim may possess: growing out blonde roots, extra-large pepperoni nipples, feet like a beaten ballet dancer or Gary Busey veneer teeth. Whatever the green eyed devil notices, she will talk trash on that attribute until her yeast infection heals then she will no longer be cranky.
The psyche of a woman in one word: HATER.
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